About us
Thank you for visiting our website. The information provided in these pages will inform you of the professional development opportunities we offer and help you to make an informed decision about your professional development and the development of colleagues within your school or schools group.
The Outstanding Leaders Partnership (OLP) is a national network of over 100 Teaching School Hubs (TSHs), multi-academy trusts, dioceses and schools groups working in collaboration to design, develop and deliver professional development for the education workforce. To learn more about partnering with us please visit our partner page. The partnership is supported by Best Practice Network, a national organisation that specialises in professional development training. OLP is the leading provider of NPQs nationally.
"I genuinely feel like a more confident leader within a school community. The NPQSL course has provided me with practical tools to effectively evaluate my own performance and the impact of my team on the education and enrichment of the students. I feel like I can lead change and challenge the status quo, and in a manner that is sensitive and in partnership with stakeholders"
"The NPQH has proved to be the best CPD I have received during my time as a teacher and leader in school. Course leaders have gone to extraordinary lengths to provide the highest quality resources from a multitude of sources such as the DfE, Ofsted and the EEF. The extracts, think pieces and case studies of practice have really strengthened my knowledge base and allowed me to apply theory to practice"
Our Intent is
To make a positive impact on the lives of children and young people through the delivery of outstanding professional development and training to school leaders at each stage of their career. (Yvonne Gandy, Director of Programmes)

Implemented through
• The provision of high quality blended NPQ programmes designed in conjunction with school leaders
• Sustainable school-led partnerships
• Local, regional, and national delivery strategies
Impacting positively on
• Leaders by developing the professional skills and knowledge necessary to lead the delivery and implementation of their school’s curriculum strategy
• Schools, by supporting their drive for school improvement by providing them with teachers and leaders who share common professional understandings gained from the ‘golden thread, running from ITT through to school leadership, rooting teacher and school leader development in the best available evidence and collective wisdom of the profession’*, whilst also enhancing their efforts to attract and retain the highest calibre staff.
• Children and young people, by ensuring that the curriculum they experience is soundly rooted in the best available evidence of effective pedagogy
"I genuinely feel like a more confident leader within a school community. The NPQSL course has provided me with practical tools to effectively evaluate my own performance and the impact of my team on the education and enrichment of the students. I feel like I can lead change and challenge the status quo, and in a manner that is sensitive and in partnership with stakeholders"

Our Programmes
Leadership programmes: NPQ for Senior Leadership; NPQ for Headship; NPQ for Executive Leadership
Specialist programmes: NPQ for Leading Teaching; NPQ for Leading Teacher Development; NPQ for Leading Behaviour and Culture
An array of other programmes for Early Years professionals, SENCOs and teaching Assistants,
Your Experience
• Personalised support: a skilled coach or mentor will provide you with advice and feedback for the duration of the programme.
• Flexible study routes: regular self-reviews, in conjunction with your coach, will allow you to choose those areas of your professional practice you wish to develop most. We understand that one size doesn’t fit all.
• High-quality online study materials: providing you with essential knowledge and understandings about ‘what works’ in school, based upon the latest evidence-based research and the collective wisdom of the profession.
• Learning with and from others: our face-to-face training days, and online courses, will provide opportunities for you to share, and receive, professional knowledge from leaders facing similar challenges to your own. We know from feedback that participants value such opportunities highly.
• Formative assessment tasks focused on your needs: our formative assessment tasks allow you to focus your energies on the challenges you face in your context.
• Support with the Summative Assessment Task: to assist you in preparing for the Summative Assessment Task we provide exemplar materials, online briefings and online surgeries provided through our specialist Assessment Team.
• Advice on progression: completing one of our programmes is not the end. Our suite of programmes provides opportunities for you to further develop your professional knowledge and skills. For example, after completing the Leading Teaching programme you might wish to complete the Leading Teacher Development programme.