Our partners
Our national partners include outstanding teaching schools and multi-academy trusts who promote the qualifications through their local alliances and networks.
The Outstanding Leaders Partnership consists of a growing number of teaching school, multi-academy trust and diocesan partners who support the design, delivery and targeting of accredited programmes across their schools community. The growing footprint of our Delivery Partner network helps ensure the entire education workforce has local access to outstanding CPD that is tailored to their unique circumstances.
The partnership is managed by Best Practice Network, a nationally recognised training provider, responsible for the day-to-day running of the partnership, including co-ordinating design and development, provision of the virtual learning environment and diagnostic tools, administration, financial management, project and risk management.
Where's my nearest partner?
Our partners
Each dot on the UK map represents an OLP Partner. Hover over a dot to see the Partners name, and click on the dot to see more details about them.
Achievement for All

West Berkshire
Achievement for All is a leading not-for-profit organisation that works in partnership with early years settings, schools and colleges to improve outcomes for all children and young people.
Founded in 2011, the mission of Achievement for All is simple: to close the unacceptable gaps at every level of the education system.
AIM Alliance Schools

London Academy, Spur Road, Edgware, London, HA8 8DE
Edgware, London
Aim Alliance Schools
Aim Alliance Schools is a collaborative Alliance led by London Academy and Aim Academies Trust. Our alliance consists of approximately 20 schools. We work closely with all of our schools to train and develop teachers in both Primary and Secondary Phases. We work in partnership with Outstanding Leaders to provide Leadership development training for middle and senior leaders within the local area.
We concentrate on the quality of training provided. Our lead facilitators have numerous years of experience working within and supporting school leaders in their development journey and we are proud to be associated with Outstanding Leaders in the delivery of our NPQs.
You can find out lots of information from our Aim Alliance Schools website www.aimallianceschools.org
Aletheia Anglican Academies Trust

Aletheia Anglican Academies Trust
Gravesend, Kent
Our schools seek to embody the Christian experience of community, where gifts are shared, where the emphasis is on what can be contributed and where each is given according to need. Aletheia schools welcome those of all faiths and none and are proud of the inclusive nature and diversity of each cohort. At the heart of the Aletheia vision is the belief in educational excellence; the belief that Aletheia is called to serve pupils, staff, parents and the local community by providing places where children and young people develop and thrive intellectually, socially, culturally and spiritually.
Aletheia is committed to sustaining high quality schools, and supporting schools in need of specific improvement in some of the more challenging wards in Kent.. Our focus is to provide school improvement services that draw on the wealth of practise from across our trust, broaden the expertise available to schools through flexible working arrangements and increase our capacity to quickly respond to the needs of individual schools. Pedagogical excellence is at the heart of all we do with a sustained focus on collaborative and mastery learning. Our Teacher Training ‘Hub’ status aids our mission to recruit, train and retain staff of the highest quality within our local community.
All Angels Federation

St Michael’s V.A. Junior School
At All Angels’ we believe that developing an outward-facing, aspirational culture will encourage children to aim higher and challenge themselves to be the best they can be. We want to encourage children to demonstrate how they can use their personal gifts to contribute to our community, be enterprising, develop positive relationships, support others, challenge injustice and achieve a sense of self-worth and identity.
Alpha Academies Trust

Discovery Academy
Alpha Academies Trust is a high-performing trust of great schools, clustered in local communities, serving the Midlands, putting students first and attaining the highest standards.
Apley Wood Primary School

Telford and Wrekin
Apley Wood Primary School provides excellent schooling for children in Telford Shropshire.
Archdiocese of Liverpool Primary and Secondary Trust

Archdiocese of Liverpool Primary and Secondary Trust
The Archdiocese of Liverpool Secondary School Improvement Trust
The Archdiocese of Liverpool Secondary School Improvement Trust comprises of 35 secondary schools (twenty-one with sixth forms) and 2 sixth form colleges. The Archdiocese covers the following Local Authorities: Lancashire, Sefton, St Helens, Knowsley, Liverpool, Warrington, Halton and Wigan and is an organisation based upon collaboration and sharing good practice to provide the very best education for all our students.
The Archdiocese of Liverpool Primary School Improvement Trust
The Archdiocese of Liverpool Primary School Improvement Trust (ALPSIT) is a not for profit company formed by all 185 schools in the Liverpool Archdiocese family of schools. The company is Limited by guarantee and has charitable aims and objectives.

ASDAN is an awarding organisation whose curriculum programmes and qualifications help young people develop knowledge and skills for learning, work and life.
Our programmes and qualifications are delivered by over 3,000 secondary schools, special schools, colleges, alternative education providers and youth organisations across the UK and in more than 30 countries and territories overseas.
Since 1997, when ASDAN was formally established as an education charity, our work has centred on giving all learners the opportunity and tools to discover, develop and make full use of their potential.
Aspire Academy Trust

Unit 20, St Austell Business Park, St Austell, Cornwall, PL25 4FD
St Austell, Cornwall
Aspire Academy Trust
The Aspire Academy Trust is a successful, compassionate, effective, and focused educational charity that attains to the highest standards of professionalism. We guide, challenge, and support 29 diverse academies in Cornwall. We put children first, looking to provide them with a truly outstanding education. Our drive towards achieving these goals is provided by some of the finest and most skilled primary practitioners and leaders in the county and country.
We have been working with Best Practice Network for several years now delivering the National Professional Qualifications to colleagues and practitioners across Cornwall and the wider South West region.
- We are passionate about supporting leaders of the future and leadership at every level.
- We are committed to developing teaching and learning and improving outcomes for children both in Cornwall and nationally.
- The foundations of our approach are centred on research-based evidence, informing our practice and professional development.
Ultimately, everything we do is underpinned by our commitment to offering the best education experience and learning opportunities for children.
Aspire Learning Alliance, Bucks

South Central & North West London
Aspire Learning Alliance is a collaboration of schools, universities and Teaching Schools in Buckinghamshire.
Aspirer Teaching Alliance

Ash Grove Academy
The Aspirer Teaching School aims to work inclusively and collaboratively, to secure the best quality of teaching and learning for pupils in the local area through a sustainable model of developing teachers and leaders.
The lead school for the Aspirer Teaching School is Ash Grove Academy, part of the Aspire Multi-Academy Trust.
ASSET Education
ASSET Education
ASSET Education is a 13 school primary multi-academy trust based in Suffolk. We want our schools to be amongst the best in the country in providing an excellent education. We empower our staff and pupils, engage with the local community and work towards providing equity for our most disadvantaged pupils.
Bellevue Place Education Trust

Kilburn Grange School
Bellevue Place Education Trust (BPET) is the UK’s largest multi-academy Free School trust with seven schools located across London and Maidenhead. In standards terms, all are judged as either Good or Outstanding by Ofsted.
Every BPET child and staff member enjoys a broad (LEARN) and enriched (ENJOY) learning experience, enabling them to achieve far greater individual success (SUCCEED) than they might previously have thought possible.
We are leading the way in delivering high-quality education through a skills-based curriculum, applying the best of the independent and state sectors to deliver a breadth of opportunity and pupil enrichment.
Benfleet TSA

The Appleton School
Benfleet Teaching School Alliance was formed between three schools dedicated to strengthening and developing teaching and learning throughout our locality. We aim to ensure that all students receive an outstanding education that positively impacts on their progress and attainment. To achieve this we will deliver high-quality training, share excellent teaching practices, shape initial teacher training, offer tailored school-to-school support, develop leadership potential and support professional development.
Billericay TSA

Building on its strong foundations, BCT were then awarded Teaching School Alliance (TSA) status in March 2012 with St Peter’s Catholic Primary becoming our lead Teaching School. TSA status has enabled the Trust to work beyond the boundaries of our partnerships and indeed South East Essex enabling us to work with many schools and organisations to bring about change and impact significantly on the School Improvement agenda.
Bishop's Stortford Educational Trust Teaching School Alliance
We are a partnership of schools in the Bishop’s Stortford, Sawbridgeworth and Harlow area who collaborate to provide teacher training for graduates who would like to teach in either the primary or secondary schools.
Blueprint Alliance Teaching School
Sirius Academy West
Blueprint Alliance Teaching School is a collaboration of primary, secondary, FE and specialist educational providers located in the East Riding of Yorkshire, North Lincolnshire and Kingston upon Hull.
They are proactive in their approach to supporting outcomes for students and development of staff across the partnership and beyond. They have experience of delivering training and support to individuals and organisations locally, regionally and nationally.
Boldmere Teaching School Alliance
The Boldmere Teaching School Alliance is a partnership of over 20 schools across the North and Central areas of Birmingham.
Bury Teaching Schools Alliance

Elms Bank
The Bury Teaching Schools Alliance was formed in 2014 by two National Teaching Schools: Christ Church Primary School Walshaw and Elms Bank.
Our alliance includes Bury Primary, Secondary and Special Schools with additional strategic partners, BEST Trust, Bury Secondary Learning Collaborative, Manchester Metropolitan University. Our partnership also extends to teaching schools from neighbouring authorities. Our strategic partners oversee the work of the alliance and take responsibility for all our provision.
Working together on improving teaching, developing the curriculum, providing high-quality staff training, growing future leaders and sharing the expertise already in our schools will have a profound impact - in all our schools and on every single child.
C2C Teaching Alliance

St Mary's C of E
The C2C Teaching Alliance was formed in March 2013 and is a Multi-Alliance teaching school consisting of two outstanding schools and a good school who each have their own teaching school status. In addition to this, the alliance has a number of other outstanding and good schools as its’ partners and is rapidly expanding. In the past 12 months we have successfully developed ITT enabling School Direct students to work within the Alliance.
We are also an appropriate body for NQT’s offering quality support and training for NQTs across Stoke on Trent.
Furthermore, we have developed the school to school support that we offer and are engaged in supporting a number of schools and have a good track record of the impact of that support. We also offer a wide range of CPD, including English, Maths, PE, Phonics and Senior leaders. Our most recent addition to this is training for recently Qualified Teachers showing leadership potential.
Our objective is to build a professional school led system based on trust and empowerment. We aim for excellence in holistic education; providing an outstanding teacher for every class and outstanding leaders in every school. By working creatively, reflectively and inclusively through a recognised professional school led system based on trust and empowerment we pursue high learner achievement and success for all.
Cambridge & Suffolk Schools Alliance

Cambridge & Suffolk Schools Alliance are a growing alliance of primary, secondary and special schools and post-16 providers from across Cambridgeshire and Suffolk.
Carillon Strategic
Carillon has a wealth of experience in delivering support for schools in the form of continuing professional development for staff and offer a variety of key services.
CAT Teaching School

Community Academies Trust, The Polesworth school
The Communities Academies Trust Teaching School (CATTS) is an Alliance grown from two National Teaching Schools; Birchwood Primary School and The Polesworth School. These schools also founded the Community Academies Trust (CAT); a successful, school-based, multi-academy trust, the name of which originates from our shared, determined commitment to ensuring communities are well served by their local school.
At the heart of our work is a consistent and focused desire to nurture and train and develop people. We also understand that, for our staff across the Trust and for the wider teaching school alliance to enjoy the greatest rewards from working in the school environment, colleagues must feel accomplished in their work, proud of their achievements and reflective so that they continue to experiment, innovate and develop professionally.
We understand that a thriving, reflective and developing workforce leads to world-class achievement for the young people in our care. We want them to leave the schools in our Alliance having succeeded academically, personally and socially. We know that working together in a strong network of schools who challenge each other, support each other and strive for the best will provide the best environment to enable this.
Catholic Diocese of Northampton
Chancery Trust

Excalibur Primary School
Lancashire & West Yorkshire
Chancery Multi Academy Trust was created with one sole aim. For member schools to deliver, through partnership and collaboration, an outstanding learning experience for all children so they flourish and thrive; enabling them to achieve their own individual excellence.
Our ethos is rooted in the celebration and promotion of each member school’s own diverse and dynamic character. At Chancery Trust we recognise the unique qualities of different schools; promoting their autonomy to enable each school to develop their own curriculum and practices to reflect the needs of their learners. We will share best practice by ensuring that all member schools across the Trust benefit from the successes of others and by investing in ‘expert teaching’ and an ‘irresistible curriculum.’
At Chancery Trust we believe that strong, innovative leadership is core to any school’s success and we will ensure that we promote networking and shared working and that we are relentless in our ‘no excuses’ approach.
Chancery Trust

Excalibur Primary School
Lancashire & West Yorkshire
Chancery Multi Academy Trust was created with one sole aim. For member schools to deliver, through partnership and collaboration, an outstanding learning experience for all children so they flourish and thrive; enabling them to achieve their own individual excellence.
Chelmsford Teaching Schools Alliance

The Chelmsford Teaching Schools Alliance (CTSA) was established in March 2013 when Newlands Spring Primary School Academy Trust became a National Teaching School. We aim to provide a range of services to support staff, governors and schools. We will endeavour to support all of our alliance schools to aspire towards outstanding teaching and learning, through a climate of mutual collaboration. We currently have a partnership of 26 primary, 9 secondary and 2 special schools based in and around Chelmsford in Essex.
Cheshire Vale Teaching School Alliance

Tarporley High School
Cheshire Vale Teaching School Alliance delivers high-quality training and professional development for teachers at all stages of their career.
Cheshire West and Chester Leadership Hub
St Bernard’s RC Primary
Chiltern Teaching School Alliance

Chiltern Learning Trust
The CTSA is a cross-phase and cross-regional alliance with Challney High School for Boys, supported by its partner school, Denbigh High as the lead school. Challney Boys was designated a National Teaching School in the first cohort, from September 2011.
A number of strategic partners, who are also members, oversee the work of the alliance and take responsibility for aspects of the provision. Together, and with our strategic partners, we provide training and support and identify and co-ordinate expertise by using the best teachers and leaders to focus on:
- Initial Teacher Training
- Continuing professional and leadership development
- Succession planning and talent management
- School-to-school support
- Specialist Leaders of Education (SLEs)
- Research and development.
Chipping Campden School

Chipping Campden School, Cidermill Lane, Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire, GL55 6HU
Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire
Chipping Campden School is located in the North Cotswolds. It has a long and distinguished history of educating young people which stretches back some 575 years. Today, it serves a largely rural community, comprising market towns and villages across the South West, facilitating easy access for schools located in Gloucestershire, Warwickshire, Oxfordshire and Worcestershire.
Chipping Campden School is also the lead for the Cotswold Cornerstone Hub which is a part of Challenge Partners. The school also works with The Ogden Trust, STEM Learning and TSST to provide for many professional development and subject knowledge enhancement courses for non-specialist teachers in primary science and secondary Physics and Maths.
As an Outstanding school, we have a clearly defined ethos of high expectations both academically and professionally. We have developed a culture of openness and hospitality, and we welcome teachers to share ideas and work collegiately to improve their practice.
Churchdown School Academy

Churchdown School Academy, Winston Road, Churchdown, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL3 2RB
We are an 11-18, non-selective academy where everyone, staff and students, strive to be the best they can be. Our aim is simple ‘to achieve success for all’. We are a school with a strong reputation for fantastic outcomes for our students. This is in no small part due to the strong reputation we have for developing high quality teachers and leaders. Therefore, we are in a very strong position to support and collaborate with education providers on a spectrum of educational and leadership issues.
At Churchdown School Academy we believe that continuous learning is as important for teachers as it is for the students we teach. At the heart of our work is a consistent and focused desire to nurture and train and develop people. Experience shows us that to enjoy the greatest rewards from working in the school environment, colleagues must feel accomplished in their work, proud of their achievements and reflective so that they continue to experiment, innovate and develop professionally. Therefore, we support teachers and support staff regardless of their level of experience or training and offer them the chance to immerse themselves in a wide range of challenging and rewarding professional development opportunities.
Citywide Alliance Schools Training

Newick Teaching School
East Sussex
CAST (‘Citywide Alliance Schools Training’) is a company, driven by principles not profit, supporting the sustainable delivery of affordable, high quality, continuing professional development (‘CPD’) and leadership development to school leaders, teachers and support staff across all phases, at all stages in their career – helping to ensure that children receive quality first teaching and the best possible start in life.
CAST continues the work of the Citywide Alliance and their success in helping to raise standards in schools across Sussex and was formed following cessation of operations from their office base at Westdene Primary School, Brighton in the Spring term of 2017. Westdene was one of the first 100 schools nationally to be designated Teaching School status in 2011 and whilst making the decision to de-designate in 2015, continued to work in collaboration and partnership with others with the CPD provision continuing as the ‘Citywide Alliance’ - coordinating the service across Brighton and Hove.
Working in partnership with schools and Teaching Schools across Sussex – including Robsack Wood Primary Academy in Hastings and having an office base at Newick Teaching School, East Sussex, CAST offers a variety of training and professional development opportunities, covering a wide range of curriculum and leadership development across East Sussex as well as continuing the provision in Brighton - extending the reach further across Sussex.
Courses and programmes are run from a variety of venues including Brighton, Newick and Hastings and wherever possible, other venues across Sussex.
CAST will be running NPQML and NPQSL groups in Spring 2020 at the following venues:
Brighton & Hove:
Withdean Training Centre
Tongdean Lane
East Sussex
Newick Teaching School
Allington Road
East Sussex
Collaboration of Glossop Schools

Charlesworth School
COGS consists of ten primary, junior, infant and nursery schools located in the Glossop area who work collaboratively to ensure the best outcomes for all children in the locality, irrespective of the school they attend. We seek to ‘empower every young mind for a fulfilling future’ and enable staff, governors and pupils alike to share the vision and work together for the greater benefit of our communities.
The COGS has been in existence for approximately three years and has a defined set of values; collaboration, understanding, integrity, aspiration, flexibility, honesty and unity.
One of the strands of our work is to ensure strong pathways for professional development including leadership succession plans. Therefore, we became a locality hub of Best Network Practice for the delivery of the National Professional Qualifications for Leadership through partnership with the Outstanding Leaders Partnership.
We offer high quality provision for our own developing leaders, with a team of trained facilitators and a high-quality training venue. We would like to invite other schools in the region to apply for the NPQ course through OLP and join us at COGS in sharing the experience and learning gained from these valuable learning opportunities more widely.

Collaborative Schools Ltd
John of Gaunt School
Collaborative Schools Ltd (CSL) has grown from a strong history of partnership working between the Trowbridge schools community. Our initial experience of collaborative working, project innovation and effective management originated largely from the previous Government’s Extended Services agenda.
Formally named Trowbridge Area Schools Collaborative (TASC), it was our successes in developing provision to meet both individual and collective needs, whilst building a reputation for effective and efficient delivery, which provided the confidence to formalise our syndicate structures.
Connect Ed

Wolverhampton Schools’ Improvement Partnership (WSIP) was formed in 2012 with the purpose and vision to advance education by improving opportunities and outcomes for children and young people, through partnership working, procurement and provision of services, shared resources and expertise.
In April 2016 the Schools’ Company changed its name to ConnectEd Partnership Limited. ConnectEd Partnership is an inclusive, not for profit partnership of over 100 schools.
Since it was formed, the vision for the Partnership has grown stronger and is moving forward with every term that passes. As well as developing the brand of ConnectEd, the Teaching School and the School Sport Partnership have been formed. This has highlighted the value of working together and ensures that membership to the Partnership continues to offer great quality and value.
Cornerstone Teaching School

Broadclyst Community Primary School
Through the Teaching School platform, we are supporting educators to share ideas and develop an inclusive education that will build firm foundations and future success for all learners. We are aiming to create learning environments fit for the 21st Century, equipping children both with the skills, knowledge and higher-level competencies in a digital age. The teaching school is governed by a strategic board, partnered by schools across the Westcountry and commercial partners.
Diamond Teaching School Alliance

Winhills Primary Academy
Diamond Teaching School Alliance is based in Cambridgeshire. We are committed to working collaboratively to provide high quality school to school support, deliver continuous professional and leadership development, and support initial teacher training in order to influence and improve the educational outcomes for all children.
We offer a wide range of high-quality courses and programmes for teachers and teaching assistants at all stages in their career. These courses cover up-to-date initiatives in education which will further develop colleagues’ practice. All courses are facilitated by experienced, current classroom practitioners and senior leaders. We also partner with Best Practice Network to deliver HLTA Preparation and Assessment, NPQML and NPQSL.
- ‘English Lead conferences show-case the best ideas and promote networking, which has been really helpful in linking with other schools. These ideas are disseminated at staff meetings and help form the basis for school improvement.’ (English subject lead)
- ‘Friendly, supportive and knowledgeable trainers’ (SLE Core training)
Our School to School support draws on the expertise and outstanding practice of middle and senior leaders in our schools, including Specialist and National Leaders of Education. We deliver high quality support in all areas including leadership and subject area development, improving the quality of teaching and learning, and using data and tracking to raise standards. The Diamond Teaching School Alliance plans and delivers bespoke, targeted packages of support for schools in the primary sector reflecting the needs of individual schools and staff
- ‘The leads of Literacy and Numeracy have felt the support has helped them to progress as leaders.’ Head teacher
- ‘I think that the fact that the people delivering it are still working full or part time in class is a big bonus. Ideas/suggestions are tried and tested which has often made them very simple to implement.’ Maths Lead
Diamond Teaching School Alliance offers Initial Teacher Training through the School Direct training route. This route provides trainees with a balance of training and work experience which includes ‘on the job’ school experience, formal training, coaching & mentoring, and academic study. Our experienced school-based mentors work closely with trainees to develop their teaching skills and support them to put their new skills into practice. We also partner with the Faculty of Education in Cambridge, providing placements for PGCE trainees.
Diocese of Bristol Academies Trust

The Diocese of Bristol Academies Trust was established in 2012 and has now grown steadily to 11 primary academies. The Deanery CE Academy, a brand new secondary academy in Swindon, is opening in September 2019.
Dragonfly Training

7 Herbert Terrace
Working in over 50 countries and delivering to over 250,000 teachers, we continue to offer a personalised service to ensure that we deliver training that is 100% relevant to you and your staff and as cost-effective as possible. You can always speak to one of our team and they will take you through the booking process from start to finish and will be at hand to answer any questions along the way.
Ealing Primary Teaching School Alliance

Ealing Primary Teaching School Alliance was established in February 2015. Castlebar School is the designated teaching school and has formed an alliance with a number of mainstream primary and special schools. The Alliance has a number of Key partners including Ealing LA and its School Effectiveness Team. As part of the government’s plan to give schools a central role in raising standards by developing a self-improving and sustainable school-led system the alliance is committed to developing all staff from students through to senior leadership.
Eastern Multi-Academy Trust

Eastgate Academy
King's Lynn
Eastern Multi-Academy Trust is a regional multi-academy trust with primary and secondary phase academies across the East of England.
Originally founded as CWA Academy Trust, as the Trust grew and expanded, it was decided that the time was right for the Trust to become independent and Eastern Multi-Academy Trust was formed in its own right in May 2017.
The CWA Academy Trust family of academies seeks to offer mutual support to one another, develop shared learning and understanding, collaborate to achieve better outcomes, recognise unique qualities and differences, be positive and aspirational, focus on the successes of individuals and develop a culture of healthy competition.
EDIFY Educational Training
United Arab Emirates
Educational Success Partners Ltd (ESP)

85 Great Portland Street
Educational Success Partners Ltd (ESP) is an education training and consultancy service whose team have over 10 years’ experience of offering school challenge and development services to schools throughout the UK and British curriculum schools overseas.

The Riverway Centre
Entrust work in partnership with schools, academy trusts and Local Authorities to provide specialist expertise, ensuring every child and young person;
- receives a good education;
- is in a safe and healthy environment;
- and is given expert guidance to realise their full potential.
Excalibur TSA
Excalibur Academies Trust is an independent multi-academy trust founded in 2012. Excalibur Teaching School Alliance’s lead school, St John’s Marlborough, and our Bristol hub at Fairfield High School are part of Excalibur Academies Trust.
Farlingaye and Kesgrave Teaching School Alliance

Kesgrave High School
Farlingaye and Kesgrave High Schools were designated as a joint Teaching School in July 2011. We are formed from like-minded schools and higher education institutions to strive to continually improve the quality of teaching, learning and standards for students locally. We believe that working together on existing and new initiatives will bring about exciting and valuable developments.
Through a strong working partnership, we hope that we can make a real difference together in developing new initiatives, sharing good practice and most importantly, making the most of such a large pool of expert practitioners. The work that the alliance embarks upon is intended to be fluid; working on relevant projects which the alliance strategy team identify as worthwhile and exciting. Farlingaye and Kesgrave Teaching School Alliance, in collaboration with West Ipswich Teaching School Alliance and Springfield Teaching School Alliance is proud to be working in partnership with the Outstanding Leaders Partnership to deliver National Professional Qualifications locally.
Filton Avenue Primary School

Filton Avenue Primary School opened in September 2015, formed from the merger of Filton Avenue Infant and Junior Schools. We are based on two sites, Lockleaze Road and Orchard Campus, and are part of Trust in Learning Academy Trust.

With offices in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, and a Russian language desk in our Central London headquarters, Gabbitas is uniquely positioned to help families in the UK and overseas find the right school for their children. We provide higher education advice, tutoring, guardianship for international students, holiday courses, immersion and academic support programmes.
Gosport & Fareham MAT

The Gosport and Fareham MAT (GFM) aims to enable a local solution to the challenges we face together in providing the best education provision in the area.
Great Sankey Teaching School Alliance

Great Sankey High School
Located in Warrington with excellent access to Manchester and Liverpool, Great Sankey Teaching School Alliance, working with Warrington Teaching School Alliance, is a diverse partnership, with primary, secondary and special schools working together to improve outcomes for young people.
They have a successful track record of developing leaders through National Professional Qualifications and engaging system leaders in school improvement across the region.
Greater Peterborough TSA

Arthur Mellows Village College
The Greater Peterborough Teaching School Alliance (GPTSA) is a partnership of twenty schools across the Greater Peterborough Area and one University partner that is based at Arthur Mellows Village College. The Alliance schools all share a common goal of continuous school improvement through collaboration aimed at creating a ‘self improving’ system which nurtures excellence and best practice.
The Teaching Schools model is part of the Government’s move to give outstanding schools a leading role in the training and development of teachers and support staff.
GPTSA draws on the vast experience across the Alliance and utilises this to promote effective, coherent school to school support meeting the needs of the area. They are also responsible with the delivery of a programme of CPD aimed at the priorities identified across the Alliance along with delivery of the CPD programme for NQT teachers in Peterborough. Staff from all Alliance schools are involved in the development of the Alliance and in the delivery of our work.
H.M. Training Ltd
Hales Valley Trust

Lutley Primary School
West Midlands
Hales Valley Teaching Hub began its work in 2012 when our base school, Lutley Primary School, took on extensive school to school support with Lapal Primary School. In addition to this we wrote the primary School Direct ITT programme for Worcester University and began our ITT journey training those new to the profession.
Since 2012 we have gone from strength to strength. We successfully train a cohort of teachers every year and have 100% employment success rate, following our training, and 100% have stayed in teaching beyond 2 years. We are also now Multi Academy Trust which has 5 Dudley primary schools in our Trust family and we continue to improve life chances and academic outcomes at all 5 schools. We have recently completed an 18 month project improving EYFS outcomes fro 40 schools and over 3000 children across all 4 Black Country Authorities which has been a huge success for all involved. In addition to this we have been part of a 2 year EEF study maximising the impact of teaching assistants (MITA). What this has shown is the importance of the role of the teaching assistant and how they can positively impact on the outcomes for pupils when they work in partnership with their colleagues as a seamless approach to teaching and learning. This is why we are passionate about delivering the HLTA programme as we know the impact that HLTAs have within school when the are able to access the right training and support so they can support our young people in schools.
HEART Hub, Salford

Sacred Heart R.C. Primary School
The greatest single determinant of a child’s success in school is the quality of their teachers. Therefore, Heart Teaching School Alliance is dedicated to developing and forming our staff teams, who then, in turn, enable our students to flourish.
Heart TSA, based within Sacred Heart RC Primary School, has established itself as a centre of best practice, developing an evidence-based approach to cross-phase innovation, creativity and pedagogy, working with a variety of schools and partners, including the Diocese of Salford, OLP, SEERIH, and EducareM to ensure that we live up to aspiration to 'inspire a generation...'.
Herts & Bucks Teaching School Alliance

St Clement Danes School
The Herts & Bucks Teaching School Alliance is a collaboration of schools, universities and learning trusts in the south of Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire. We have combined with the aim of sustaining and promoting an exceptional quality of education for the students and communities we serve. Each organisation involved shares a common ethos focused upon the delivery of outstanding student outcome, has a proven track record of good practice and a desire to deliver world-class education.
There are eleven Strategic Partners comprising seven schools, one ESC, the University of Hertfordshire and the learning trusts formed by Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire local authorities. In addition, there are over 20 further schools who operate as Alliance Partners, together with five universities, and formal links established with other teaching schools. We are represented by secondary and primary schools, together with schools from the state and private sector. Faith schools are represented at both primary and secondary level together with those with a specific specialism such as educational support units. Some secondary provision represents grammar schools but the majority is comprehensive with examples of both co-education and single-gender. provision.
Thus, the range of schools within the Alliance serve communities from a complete cross-section of social and economic backgrounds and hence reflect the broad span of issues faced within modern education. This combination, across all types and stages of education, ensures the Herts and Bucks Teaching School Alliance has the resources to deliver the range of services associated with a teaching
Data clearly demonstrates that schools collaborating within the Alliance improve student outcomes at key points of assessment and hence their subsequent life opportunities. Likewise, the programmes for school improvement delivered by the Alliance have a proven positive impact on the performance of recipient schools. The Alliance is a clear working model of collaboration facilitating improvement and excellence.
Hipperholme and Lightcliffe Day Nurseries

Lancashire & West Yorkshire
Ignite Teaching School Alliance

St Bernard's Primary School
Ignite TSA launched in March 2014 and has embarked on an exciting journey to grow and share its own practice and passion for teaching, learning and leadership in schools.
Ignite TSA is based in Ellesmere Port, Cheshire and is currently a large collaborative of 41 primary schools working together to improve outcomes for all our children.
Our Mission: To ignite the passion for teaching, learning and leadership.
Our Vision: Passion Energy Partnership – for all
Inclusive Teaching Alliance (Hebden Green)

Hebden Green Community School
Cheshire Inclusive Teaching Alliance (CITA) is a group of four Special Schools who work collaboratively to improve the outcomes of all pupils with Special Educational Needs.
CITA grew from the shared vision that education for all learners is a dynamic and responsive experience delivered by resilient, reflective and skilled practitioners.
The CITA hubs are based in Cheshire at Winsford, Barnton, Chester and Ellesmere Port.
Institute of School Business Leadership

The sector can expect ISBL to provide confidence in the school business leadership community. This is being achieved through a framework of qualifications underpinned by professional standards linked to membership categories.
Integra, South Gloucestershire
South Gloucestershire
International School of Bucharest

The International School of Bucharest is a non-profit day school providing a British style of education for children aged 2 to 19 years in Bucharest, Romania’s capital city
Kernow Teaching School Alliance

The KTSA has three partner Multi-Academy Trusts and works with The University of Exeter and the University of St Mark & St John.
Keystone Teaching School

Keystone Teaching School is based at Bourne Westfield Primary Academy in Bourne, South Lincolnshire. It is one of 8 Teaching Schools who work closely together across the county as part of Lincolnshire Teaching Schools Together (LTT) in order to improve outcomes for young people.
As a Teaching School our focus is to understand the needs of our local schools and to respond by identifying, developing and co-ordinating school-based expertise which can be shared widely. Teaching and learning becomes more successful and in turn improves the lives of the pupils in our schools.
Keystone has developed close working relationships with mainly South Lincolnshire schools, however works across the whole county. We utilise the strengths of our partners and team to share good practice across a range of strategies, such as Initial Teaching Training and School to School Support.
Keystone provides a personal, professional and friendly approach to all schools.
Kids Allowed

Greater Manchester
Here at Kids Allowed, we think kids should be allowed to develop at their own pace. We want to give them as many new, interesting and stimulating experiences as we can, to develop their knowledge, imagination, and personality and help them grow as confident individuals.
Kids Planet Day Nurseries

Kids Planet is a family-owned group of 44 nurseries covering the North West and the Midlands.
Education, training and the continual professional development of staff is a crucial priority for us. At Kids Planet, we are responsible for the care and education of over 5,000 children across 38 nursery settings to date and are committed to ensuring every child is given the best opportunities during their time with us. As an employer with over 1000 people in permanent, supply and Apprenticeship roles, we recognise that the quality of staff we employ and the skills they develop and possess is critical to our success.
We are dedicated to developing and training our staff to reach their full potential, to ensure they maintain and improve the knowledge and skills they require to meet the needs of their job and the children we care for.
King's Group Academies

The King’s Group Academies’ mission is to equip all pupils with the confidence, knowledge, skills and values that will enable them to thrive in the modern world.
Built on strong British traditions of respect, fairness and tolerance, our Academies strive for academic excellence, enriched with opportunities for personal development and success.
Our vision is to create a global community of pupils and staff; broadening horizons, fostering understanding and raising aspirations by connecting our Academies with other King’s Group schools across the world.
Kings Education Trust

Great Kingshill Church of England School
High Wycombe
The Kings Education Trust opened as a MAT (Multi-Academy Trust) in 2018. Our overarching aims are:
- To provide a world-class education for current pupils and future generations of children within our local community.
- To work in partnership with other schools, to develop strong and sustainable school leadership
- To accelerate and embed school improvement.
L.E.A.D. Teaching School Alliance

Huntingdon Academy
L.E.A.D. Equate Teaching School Alliance serves a reach across the East Midlands, Lincolnshire and South Yorkshire.
The Teaching School Alliance is a partnership working to inspire, motivate and empower every child and professional to embrace lifelong learning. Our vision is for all members to contribute to and benefit from exceptional levels of continuous professional development, high impact peer support and evidence informed practice.
We believe that sustainable, system wide improvements are achieved by building strong partnerships that operate in a culture of trust, openness and integrity. We acknowledge that everyone has something to offer and something to learn. It is through working together that practice can be tailored to need, shared and contributed to, a culture of mutual support can be established and exciting, new learning opportunities can be formed.
L.E.A.D. Equate Teaching Schools Alliance has numerous strategic partners in a number of key collaborations, working together to build a network of settings across all phases and specialisms. All aspects are delivered with the aim of creating a self-improving school system and one ultimate goal of impacting upon outcomes for all pupils within the alliance and beyond.
Landau Forte Teaching School Alliance

Fox Street
The Teaching School Alliance is led by Landau Forte College, Derby, to ensure all children and young people in Derby City and the surrounding areas have the opportunity to reach their full potential. We are committed to raising standards and strengthening the workforce in our schools. We will work in partnership to respond to local priorities and needs to secure improved outcomes and promote social mobility for students in Derby and Derbyshire.
We believe that all students in all schools within the Alliance will benefit from a commitment to work together in order to share strengths, build capacity and support developments which will ensure that the potential of each student is realised to be the best that they can be.
Leadership for North East

St Bede's Teaching School
Leaders for the North East (L4NE) combines first-hand strengths of leadership and experience in primary, secondary and special schools/academies with the proven track record of St Bede’s (a highly experienced NPQ Licensee) in leadership development. Our vision for our schools and region is that the system values and has the capacity to reform and improve itself.
L4NE will be delivering the National Professional Qualification for Executive Leadership with Outstanding Leaders Partnership in Spring in Durham in Spring 2020. To find out more, download the NPQEL qualification specification here.
Learning Partnership
Educere Consultancy Ltd
We are proud to be a leading professional development organisation in the area, supporting schools on their school improvement journeys; providing timely, responsive and effective CPD and JPD opportunities for staff in schools.
Leicester Teaching School - Rushey Mead Academy

Leicester Teaching School (LeTS) is part of The Mead Educational Trust and Rushey Mead Academy. In 2011, Rushey Mead Academy was one of only 100 schools nationally to be designated to become a National Teaching School. This status, which was initially only awarded to Outstanding Schools, means that together with an alliance of strategic partners, Rushey Mead Academy has responsibility for leading a self- improving school system in the local area and beyond; it has accepted a collective responsibility for the performance of the schools within the Alliance, not just its own.
Leighton Academy

Leighton Academy
At Leighton Academy, we develop leaders in every area. Autonomy to 'have a go' and take part in action research is encouraged and all staff have access to bespoke CPD. The Principal and Head of School have facilitated the NPQ face to face days since 2016 and thoroughly enjoy meeting leaders of the future. As a larger than average primary academy serving a diverse community and part of The Learning For Life Partnership, we have experience of all the challenges leaders face in education.<
Little Green Rascals

Little Green Rascals Children’s Organic Day Nurseries have seven Nurseries across York at Tadcaster Road, Elvington Lane, Bishopthorpe, Flaxton, Haxby, 7 Minster Yard and our most recent addition in Poppleton.
Luton First Teaching School Alliance

Hillborough Junior School
The Luton First Teaching School Alliance was initially made up of 12 schools working with the local authority and the Shire SCITT, which has since increased to 20 schools.
The schools involved represent the 5 geographical partnerships that Luton is administratively divided into and consist of all key stage phases, incorporating nursery and special school provision. They are also linked to the secondary schools in Luton though Luton Futures and have a high school representative on their steering group.
Lydiate Learning Trust

Deyes High School
The Lydiate Learning Trust is a network of schools and academies across communities in the North West of England. The Trust is founded on the core belief that every child should be afforded the very best opportunities in life. We engage with all within our Trust and beyond to enable them to show the world their particular talents, their ideas and their passion. Our partnerships across the region are helping to ensure that this opportunity is extended to as many young people as possible.
Manchester Teaching School Alliance

Chorlton Park Primary School
Chorlton Park Primary School became a designated teaching school in 2013, Brookburn Primary School was also designated in spring 2014. In 2017 they were joined by two further alliance schools becoming teaching schools, Barlow Hall Primary and Chorlton High School.
Manchester Teaching School Alliance is an alliance of these four teaching schools together with our partners Manley Park Primary School, Chorlton CE Primary School, St John's RC Primary School, Beaver Road Primary School, St Mary's RC Primary School
(Levenshulme), Old Moat Primary School, Rolls Crescent Primary School, St Ambrose RC School and Oswald Rd Primary School.
Our alliance was formed to deliver high-quality training and professional development for teachers and leaders at all stages of their careers, as well as contributing to the raising of standards through school-to-school support.
The last year has seen us going from strength to strength, delivering a range of successful courses, building a strong team of specialist leaders of education and supporting schools.
Manorfield Primary School

Manorfield Primary School
Manorfield Primary School is a co-educational school for 3-11 year-olds in Tower Hamlets Local Education Authority.
Merseyside SEN Teaching School Alliance

Millstead Special Needs School
Merseyside SEN Teaching School Alliance (MSTSA) is a collaboration of four special schools located in Sefton and Liverpool. In this sense, we are unique and form one of the biggest SEN alliances in the country. Working collegiately with our Strategic Partners we have combined with the aim of sustaining and promoting an exceptional quality of education for the young people and communities they serve.
MSTSA plays a leading role in the training and professional development of teachers, support staff and Headteachers, as well as contributing to the raising of standards through school-to-school support and research and development.
Nord Anglia International School, Hong Kong

Hong Kong
Nord Anglia Education is the world’s leading premium schools organisation. Our global family of schools offer four decades of experience in providing education to over 50,000 students across the globe.
Nord Anglia International School, New York

New York
Nord Anglia Education is the world’s leading premium schools organisation. Our global family of schools offer four decades of experience in providing education to over 50,000 students across the globe.
North Chadderton School

At North Chadderton we have a balance of traditional values and the very highest of expectations and provide the perfect platform to enable every student to be given the best possible chance of success. The school has an unrelenting focus on the success of every student supported with expert guidance, care and support.
North Chadderton achieved excellent results at both GCSE and ‘A’ Level in August 2018 which continues its very strong culture of success. These superb results are a testament to the hard-working students along with the excellent help and guidance of their teachers. This reaffirms that at North Chadderton, an excellent learning culture is created where students are given the opportunity to achieve the highest possible standards. The school focusses strongly on developing skills within all students so that they can effectively apply their knowledge and understanding as well as ensuring that they are "work-ready and school-ready.
North East Essex TSA

Colchester County High School for Girls
East of England & North East London
North East Essex Teaching School Alliance was set up in April 2013 in response to the government’s plan to give schools a central role in raising standards by developing a self -improving and sustainable school-led system. We are an umbrella organisation of local schools in North East Essex headed up by a Lead School – Colchester County High School for Girls. Through collaborative partnership our focus is on Initial Teacher Training; Continued Professional Development; Specialist Leaders of Education; Research & Development; School to School Support; Leadership & Talent Management.
North West Catholic Dioceses Training Partnership

The Catholic Training Partnership (CTP) was formally established in 2005 supported by grant aid from a national organisation.
In 2014, the partnership was re-named the ‘North West Catholic Dioceses Training Partnership‘ (NWCDTP) and its provision was extended.
This Partnership is the official Continuing Professional Leadership Development & Formation (CPLDF) organisation for Catholic education, including all Catholic schools and colleges, under the guidance of the relevant Diocesan education departments and on behalf of the Bishops of the five North West Dioceses.
Nottingham Catholic TSA

The Becket School, The Becket Way
The Nottingham Catholic Teaching School Alliance (NCTSA) is a partnership of 71 schools in Nottinghamshire, Nottingham, Leicester, Lincolnshire and Derbyshire, which includes primary and secondary schools, and also extends to Nottingham Trent University, Bishop Grosseteste University, University of Leicester, University of Derby and the Nottingham Roman Catholic Diocesan Education Service.
OneSchool UK

Focus Learning Trust
Focus Learning Trust was established as a registered charity in 2003 for the advancement of education, first and foremost providing leadership and support to its network of 28 UK independent schools which are registered as schools with a religious character.
Focus is part of the OneSchool global network, one of the most extensive and progressive networks of schools and educational support services in the world. With schools in 18 countries worldwide, our 10,000 students are benefiting from the amazing results of global collaboration and cutting-edge educational methods.
Orbital Education

Landmark House
Greater Manchester
Orbital Education are an International schools group with 10 schools spread across 3 continents across the globe. Orbital Education have a diverse student population and offer the English National Curriculum adapted to the local needs of International Families.
Oxfordshire Teaching School Alliance

The Oxfordshire Teaching Schools Alliance is a partnership of 10 Teaching Schools working collaboratively with over 300 nursery, primary, secondary and special schools across Oxfordshire and beyond to provide school-led Initial Teacher Training, Newly Qualified Teacher Induction, Professional Development, School to School Support and an online Job Board to support recruitment.
Each year, we train over 100 teachers, provide induction for up to 400 NQTS, offer over 140 professional development courses/programmes, support professional networks, manage a team of 200 system leaders who provide support to over 100 schools and help schools to fill teaching and support staff vacancies through our free job board.
Painsley Catholic College Teaching School Alliance

Painsley Catholic College Sixth Form
Painsley Catholic College was designated as a national Teaching School in March 2014 by the National College for Teaching and Leadership.
Painsley Teaching School Alliance consists of a wide range of partners, including primary schools, secondary schools, special schools and two universities. We work collaboratively with schools in Staffordshire, Stoke-on-Trent and Derbyshire, sharing our outstanding practice, providing training and CPD, driving school improvement and training new teachers and as an NQT Appropriate body.
It was designated as a national Teaching School in March 2014 and is the North Mids Maths Hub. In addition, it is the Accelerate Coaching Hub for teachers in years 2 – 7 of their career, a DfE-accredited Pupil Premium Reviewer training centre and the West Midlands lead for WliE.
Paragon Teaching School Alliance

Hampton Hargate Primary School
Paragon Teaching School Alliance is lead by Hampton Hargate Primary School. In addition to this, there are Strategic Partner schools, all of which play an important part in the development of Paragon Teaching School Alliance.
Collaboration is at the heart of Paragon Teaching School Alliance. By working together, Paragon TSA brings together schools from Peterborough, Lincolnshire, Norfolk and surrounding areas to deliver high-quality support across a number of areas.
Parklands Primary School
Parklands Primary School
Lancashire & West Yorkshire
Pathfinder Schools

Greening Road
Our Trust is a growing family of schools, built on a commitment to ​the development of the children and young people in the communities we serve.​
We exist to deliver the very best educational outcomes for every learner. Based upon a foundation of independence, we empower young people to broaden their horizons and open their minds to new opportunities. ​
​Our vision
At the heart of every Pathfinder School is the belief that life is about more than success; it’s about greatness. ​The secret to finding this greatness lies in our everyday​ actions that make life more fulfilling and more rewarding for us and those around us.
Together we want to develop inspirational schools which instil independence, humanity and collaboration in every learner, enabling them to find the greatness within them.
Our values
Our values stand at the very core of everything. They are the centre from which all we do and say radiates, guiding the way that we work together.
Pennine TSA
c/o Castle Hill School Newsome Road South, Newsome, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD4 6JL
Percy Hedley Foundation TSA

Hedleys Teaching School
Newcastle upon Tyne
Pickwick Learning Teaching School Alliance

Corsham Primary
The Pickwick Learning Teaching School Alliance (PLTSA) is a DfE designated group of schools, leaders and partners committed to providing support and sharing best practice in education and beyond.
Plymouth CAST

South West
Plymouth CAST is a multi-academy trust (MAT) that educates around 7,200 pupils in South West England. It is linked to the Catholic Diocese of Plymouth. CAST consists of 33 primary schools, one nursery, and 2 secondary schools, grouped in the following clusters: Cornwall, Plymouth, Devon North, Devon South, Torbay, Dorset West and Dorset East.
Over the past two years CAST has seen rapid improvement in school standards and systems. CAST’s mission is to be a ‘community of outstanding schools in which pupils flourish in safe, happy and stimulating environments’. Plymouth CAST is committed to developing the skills and leadership potential of its staff.
President Kennedy TSA

President Kennedy School
The President Kennedy Teaching School Alliance is an alliance of partner schools from across Coventry, Warwickshire, Birmingham and Leicestershire. Our vision and strategic intent is the provision of high-quality Continuing Professional and Leadership Development, School to School Support and Initial Teacher Training that secures outstanding outcomes for all students within the alliance and beyond.

Henhurst Ridge Primary Academy
Founded in 2012, REAch2 Academy Trust is the largest primary-only academy trust in the country. We are a growing charitable organisation currently supporting circa 60 primary academies across England.
The Cornerstone of REAch2 is a solid, unshakeable foundation, defined by exceptional teaching experiences and shared Touchstone values of learning, leadership, enjoyment, inclusion, inspiration, responsibility and integrity.
River Tees Multi-Academy Trust

Our Multi-Academy Trust is based in Middlesbrough, where we provide education and support for up to 175 learners who are not currently accessing mainstream schools.
Rowan Learning Trust
Hawkley Hall High School
The Rowan Learning Trust was established in May 2012 with the aim of maximising the potential of all children, students and adults that we work with. The Trust was established by the Governing Body and Leadership Team of Hawkley Hall High School following successful school to school support over a number of years and across a large number of schools in the Greater Manchester area. That school to school support was based on the belief that teachers should help each other to develop professionally so that the life chances of the children and students that we teach can also improve.
Hawkley Hall High School itself is a 11 – 16 mixed comprehensive of around 1000 students and 150 staff situated to the west of Wigan. We are a community of students, staff, parents and governors with a common goal. We strive for the highest standards in everything we do.
Salop Teaching School Alliance

The Priory School
Shrewsbury, Shropshire
The Salop Teaching School Alliance’s lead school is The Priory School, Shrewsbury in Shropshire. The alliance prides itself on high-quality CPD provision which is relevant to the needs of the local area. We offer a range of courses
aimed at both teaching and support staff, across both the secondary and primary sector.
Our School Direct ITT offer is a Shropshire and Telford and Wrekin based partnership of successful and outstanding secondary schools working in collaboration with both local authorities and our ITT provider the University of Chester. The alliance has a dedicated team of Specialist Leaders in Education who are available to provide bespoke school to school support packages to individuals, schools or departments.
Our Vision
We firmly believe that we are ‘stronger together’ and that partnership and collaboration between practising teachers in different schools is the only way to continually develop and improve teaching and learning for the benefit of students, parents and the communities in which we work.
SEND Teaching School

SEND Teaching School is a partnership between the Teaching Schools of West Hill School and Linden Bridge School in Surrey, working with an alliance of Surrey Special Schools and short stay schools and in collaboration with Surrey County Council, Babcock 4S , Kingston University and Roehampton University, in order to deliver SEND specific school-to-school support, CPD, ITT, Leadership Programmes, Succession & Talent Management and Research & Development in line with the Big 6.
Severn Teaching School Alliance

The Bridge School
The Severn Teaching School Alliance is based in Telford, Shropshire. The Alliance includes over 50 schools, the University of Chester, and a team of school improvement specialists.
Two of the schools within the Alliance are National Support Schools (NSS): The Bridge School (Lead School) and Apley Wood Primary School. The Head Teachers at these schools are also National Leaders of Education (NLE).
Their offer includes Leadership & Management Support, CPD, School to School Support, Primary Initial Teacher Training (School Direct) and opportunities to work on Research and Development Projects.
The Severn Teaching School Alliance consists of primary, special and secondary schools within Telford & Wrekin, and they also work closely with the Local Authority.
Sheringham Primary National Teaching School Alliance
Shires TSA

Studley High School
The Shires Teaching School Alliance is ideally situated only a 30 minute drive from South Birmingham and on the border of Redditch, Bromsgrove and Stratford-Upon-Avon. The Shires TSA is a wonderful opportunity for schools in Warwickshire and Worcestershire to collaborate, consolidate and improve outcomes for pupils within individual contexts. This is delivered by maintaining a culture of trust, openness and a desire to improve and succeed. Shires TSA delivers on three focus areas: Professional Development; Initial Teacher Education and School to School Support. All three are integral to an institution recruiting and retaining the best colleagues in the profession; organic growth of leaders and sharing best practice.
The reason why our leadership development programme is so successful and leads to so many colleagues gaining promotion is that the sessions are relevant and linked to the real life context of being a leader. You may not like role-playing leadership scenarios, but what better way to hone your skills than in the safe environment of your group. The research we use is current and reflective of the educational climate both today and ready to build into tomorrow's world of 21st century teaching.
Shropshire Primary Partnership

St Peter’s CE Primary & Nursery School, Wem, Shropshire, SY4 5BX
The Shropshire Primary Partnership offers CPD Courses based at two sites within Shropshire. St. Peter’s CE Primary School and Nursery, Wem and Woodfield Infant School, Shrewsbury. St. Peter’s is currently a designated teaching school. Together with our strategic partner, the University of Chester, we offer the highest quality of Primary Initial Teacher Training through the School Direct route.
We also provide school to school support and a wide range of professional development opportunities for primary schools within our area and draw on a large pool of talent and expertise to deliver support for schools, staff development and initial teacher training.
Leaders Apprenticeships with NPQ
Shropshire Primary Partnerships
Sigma Teaching School Alliance

160 Herbert Ave
Sigma Teaching School Alliance
Turning Lives Around
Sigma Teaching School Alliance is based in Poole, Dorset. We are lucky to be situated on the beautiful south coast not far from Poole’s large natural harbour, miles of sandy beaches and stunning countryside including the UNESCO World Heritage Jurassic Coast.
We provide high-quality professional development opportunities to support teaching professionals at every stage of their career. Taking the best evidence-based practice nationally, we offer a wide variety of inspiring opportunities for professionals working within the education sector.
Our alliance members have a broad range of skills and expertise and are supported by our team of outstanding system leaders from across the educational continuum. We are committed to working in partnership to support school improvement at all levels.

Snapdragons opened in January 1998 in a farmhouse in Atworth, in response to local demand for high-quality full daycare. It developed an excellent local reputation and has since expanded into Bath, Bristol and other sites in Wiltshire. Snapdragons is a family-run business that can react quickly to local needs but, more importantly, can respond personally to the families that it serves.
St Andrew's CE Primary Teaching School

St Andrew's CE Primary Teaching School
St. Andrew’s is proud to be the first primary teaching school appointed in Salford and to lead the St. Andrew’s CE Primary Teaching School Alliance. It is an outstanding place to work and learn.
As the lead school in the St. Andrew’s teaching school alliance, we are firmly committed to training and developing all staff to the highest levels and working with our partners to raise standards through school to school support.
St Chad's Academies Trust

1 Three Spires House
St Chad’s Academies Trust is the Lichfield Diocesan Multi Academy Trust (MAT) a part of Lichfield Diocese, one of the 44 Dioceses which make up the Church of England. The Diocese covers most of the County of Staffordshire, the northern part of the County of Shropshire and a substantial part of the former Metropolitan County of the West Midlands. The Diocese envelops all or part of 7 Local Authorities and has 207 Church Schools and academies in its remit.
St Christopher's MAT

Our trust is a wonderfully diverse family of primary schools from across Devon, Plymouth and Torbay who want to equip our pupils to live life to the full.
St John Bosco Teaching School Alliance

St John Bosco Arts College
St John Bosco Teaching School Alliance is located in Sandwell, West Midlands. We seek to provide a high-quality network to serve our current and future leaders.
We have partners across both primary and secondary schools who work with us to support our students on School Direct Initial Teacher Training programme, we work in partnership with Newman University.
St Thomas More Catholic Teaching School

St Thomas More School, as part of the Bedford Catholic Schools (St Francis of Assisi Academies Trust), was designated as a Teaching School in 2011. Inspirit is committed to supporting teachers across Bedford Borough, the Diocese of Northampton and the wider Eastern Region.
Stickney & New Leake Federation

Stickney Church of England Primary School
Stickney Church of England Primary School and Pre-School are federated with New Leake Primary School and work closely with St Margaret's Primary School at Withern.
Our Headteacher is also working closely with the Heads in a cluster of schools, looking at school improvement: Stickney Primary, New Leake Primary, Sibsey Primary and Wrangle Primary.
Strive4 Academy Trust, Redbridge

Ray Lodge Primary School
The trust was established in September 2017 and currently includes two outward-facing, successful primary schools (serving over 1300 children).
Teacher Time
Teacher Time Day Care Longlands
North Yorkshire
Teacher Time is owned by two fully qualified teachers who are very passionate about giving toddlers and young children the best possible start in their education. Teacher Time opened in September 2013 after the owners struggled to find a homely nursery offering outstanding childcare and education for their own children.
The Arch Alliance

All Souls' CE Primary School
The Arch Alliance Teaching School is an Alliance between All Souls’ CE Primary School and Hopwood Primary School working collaboratively to form a very strong multi alliance teaching school committed to
self-development and the development of others.
Our Teaching School ethos; Aspire, Reflect, Challenge, (ARCH) has very much guided and shaped our work.
We fundamentally believe in a school-led system of school improvement and want to share the outstanding practice that we have in our Alliance with all schools in the local area and beyond.
The Blue Kite Academy Trust

Ferndale Primary and Nursery School
In February 2016, Ferndale Primary and Nursery School became an Academy and joined The Blue Kite Academy Trust. We are a two-form entry primary school with one additional class in KS1, bringing the total number of pupils to 450. We have 15 classes, two in the Foundation Stage, five in KS1 and eight in KS2.
The British International School Ukraine
The British International School Ukraine is widely accepted as the country’s most prestigious international school. Its priorities are the care and well-being of each child, service to the parents and support for the community.
It is an inclusive international community which promotes learning for life. The school has established a strong reputation as a friendly and caring environment with a commitment to quality. BISU focuses upon achievement, high academic attainment and a curriculum which is broad, balanced and designed to meet the individual needs of the children. The school recognises that excellent results are important and also that children should be happy and know they are listened to and cherished.
Established in 1997, BISU has grown to 4 campuses with over 650 pupils from EYFS to Year 13. As a British international school, it is a proud member of COBIS and the Black Sea Schools Group.
The Challenge Academy Trust

Bridgewater High School
Bridgewater High School is proud to be a founder member of The Challenge Academy Trust (TCAT).
The Dean Trust
Ashton on Mersey School
Ashton on Mersey, Sale
The Dean Trust, with an outstanding reputation in school improvement, is at the heart of our growing partnership.
The Dean Trust aims to be a key driver, locally, regionally and nationally in the move towards the self-improving school system. It has a flourishing School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) provision, a Maths Hub and a high quality, relevant professional development offer.
With a cadre of NLEs, LLEs, SLEs, facilitators and coaches, they support professional development in all phases of education, including leading the Outstanding Leaders Partnership.
In addition to this, the Trust Chairman, Brian Rigby MBE, is a designated NLG. The Dean Trust are eager to meet the challenges of the ever-changing educational landscape by supporting all our partners leading innovation and change. Good relationships are at the heart of their success and they pride themself in continuing to successfully nurture existing partnerships alongside the development of new challenges and opportunities.
The Diocese of Shrewsbury Training Partnership

Department for Education Curial Office
Lancashire & West Yorkshire
The Green School Trust
The Green School for Girls Busch Corner, London Road, Isleworth, TW7 5BB
The Green School Trust is a small Church of England Multi-Academy Trust located in Isleworth (London Borough of Hounslow) in West London. The Trust runs two schools - the well established Green School for Girls (founded in 1796) and the newer Green School for Boys (founded in 2017). Easily accessible by public transport and close to Syon Lane train station the two schools are within easy walking distance of each other and offer a range of accommodation and state of the art facilities to support training events.
The Trust vision is Expanding Hearts and Minds and this applies to all areas of school life.
We are fully involved in a number of partnerships and are delighted to be part of the Outstanding Leaders Partnership in order to support continuous professional learning to colleagues across the region.
Through our Continuous Professional Learning programme we are committed to:
- Learning from each other
- Evidence based practice
- Applying learning to creative positive change
- Developing partnerships
- Empowering and growing others
- Reflective evaluation and raising standards
- Self - improvement and moving beyond our comfort zones
The Griffin TSA

Lawrence Sheriff Teaching School
The Halifax Academy

The Halifax Academy
The Halifax Academy is a 4-16 through school that puts high quality teaching at the heart of everything we do. We are driven to inspire a love of learning and to give young people a voice. By helping our students to develop their own authentic voice, we strengthen their sense of identity, independence, self-esteem and self-worth.
In the classroom, we want students to feel confident and to know that their voice and opinions will be heard. We encourage students to think critically and to speak their minds articulately, whilst being respectful towards others. Our teachers inspire creativity and imagination; our students flourish in the creative subjects of art, design and photography, consistently achieving some of the highest exam results in the country.
Our through school structure offers many opportunities for sharing expertise and creativity across both the primary and secondary phases. Our strategies to improve teaching, learning and leadership are both innovative and developmental, using coaching, research and evidence-based enquiry to ensure we are continuously improving our practice. The investment in our people ensures that we deliver rapid and sustained progress for our students.
Our staff are equally as important to us as our students and we are proud to have maintained Investors in People Gold standard since 2012, most recently redesignated in 2018. We believe that our ethos and values help us to attract and retain excellent teachers.
The Halifax Academy is the founding member of Impact Education Multi Academy Trust.
The Heath Teaching School

Clifton Road
The Heath Family Multi-Academy Trust, The Heath Teaching School and it’s wider alliance work together to provide an extensive and dedicated service to school-to-school improvement.
The Heath School Runcorn was one of the first 200 schools to be designated as a National Teaching School in April 2012.
The designation by the National College for School puts the Heath at the foremost of educational thinking with a key role in delivering Initial Teacher Training (ITT) and School to School support, working with its partners, to lead the training and professional development for staff.
The Learning Federation

Broadford Primary School
The Learning Federation brings together Mead and Broadford primary schools to share expertise and reinforce a common vision. Working together we deliver a broader, higher quality education, a stronger sense of purpose and a more enriching learning environment.
The Midland Academies Trust
The Midland Academies Trust
Nuneaton, Warwickshire
The Midland Academies Trust is a family of four secondary schools serving some 3,000 students in the Nuneaton area. We work at the heart of our community with the common goal of 'Creating Successful Futures'.
We believe our staff are our greatest resource, and our schools work in close collaboration to reduce workload and accelerate progress. As part of this, we are committed to providing research-informed professional learning pathways for all of our staff. The National Professional Qualifications suite is an important part of this and we are proud to be part of the Outstanding Leaders Network.
The National Forest Teaching School

John Taylor High School
The National Forest Teaching School (NFTS) is an alliance of secondary, primary and special schools spanning a wide geographical area from Derby and Burton on Trent through to Lichfield and Sutton Coldfield. Our schools operate in a variety of different contexts but share a common belief in the power of collaboration to bring about continuous school improvement in our local area.
The Potteries Teaching School Alliance

St Gregory's Catholic Academy
Longton, Stoke on Trent
Teaching Schools are outstanding schools who work with others to provide high-quality training and development to new and experienced school staff. The PTSA has a commitment to achieving excellence in teaching, learning and school leadership. Our goal is to appoint the highest calibre of teachers in our schools.
We aim to inspire, motivate and develop our teachers to become outstanding practitioners, managers and leaders in our school, fully equipped to adapt to the needs of learners. We will provide high quality training to meet the needs of teaching staff at different stages within their career.
The Priory Learning Trust TSA

The Priory Learning Trust is based in South West England. Our Schools and Teaching School Alliance partners include students from 2 years to 18 years as well as adults working in nursery through to sixth form provision. We believe this makes us a strong provider supporting the 700 staff and 5000 children in our schools as well as in our local area including: Bristol, Weston super Mare, Burnham on Sea and Bridgwater.
As a Teaching School Alliance we are committed to:
- Engaging in an innovative and collaborative approach to develop outstanding future leaders
- Having a shared responsibility for the outcome of all students
- Succession planning that systematically manages the talent within our Alliance to bring through the next generation of Principals, Senior and Middle Leaders for all schools
- Identifying strengths in the current Alliance and developing and sharing best practice
- Having a shared moral purpose to work together to improve teaching and learning
The Russett Learning Trust

The Russett Learning Trust
The Russett Learning Trust provides an outstanding education for all our pupils and young adults with a range of Severe and Complex learning difficulties. We work hard to ensure we improve the life chances of all our pupils and young adults across the Trust.
As a Trust, we are focussing within the area of Special Educational Needs so that the expertise and skills we have developed over many years can be shared. We are working closely with many preschools, nurseries and schools through our extensive COaTs (Community, Outreach and Training Service) programme.
We aim to ensure that all our pupils and young adults are given a broad and balanced education which prepares them for their journey through life.
Our ongoing success is due to the continued outstanding contribution from our talented and highly dedicated support staff and teachers. This is enhanced by the extensive support and commitment from our parents and carers.
The members of the Trust have clearly set out their core values which will ensure that all our schools will work in partnership in leading educational transformation within Special Education.
The TRUE Learning Partnership

Yew Tree Lane Poynton Stockport Greater Manchester SK12 1PU
Welcome to The TRUE Learning Partnership, a community based, values focussed, cross phased multi academy trust.
Originally founded by both Poynton High School and Lostock Hall Primary School in December 2018, we now encompass Disley Primary School, Glossopdale School and Hague Bar Primary School, each at various stages of development within our Trust.
Our vision is a community based, values focussed, learning organisation that meets the needs of all its members so that all will achieve.
By working within our community clusters we will ensure that the child who is presented to us at the age of 3 is the best they possibly can be by the time they leave us at 18.
Tove Learning Trust

Grace Academy Solihull
Tove Learning Trust is a multi-academy trust (MAT) established in Northamptonshire in 2016.
Trafford Teaching School Alliance (TTSA)
Tyntesfield Primary School
Sale, Trafford
Trafford Teaching School Alliance (TTSA) is a Multiple Teaching School Alliance, placing teaching, learning and pupil achievement at the heart of its work. The alliance is passionate about collaboration and innovation with research at the centre of their work. TTSA has over fifty alliance partners from across Trafford Primaries, all working collectively and collaboratively. TTSA fervently believes that a collaborative approach has the power to transform and their alliance partners offer expertise in a diverse range of contexts, working collectively to ensure Teaching School outcomes are delivered and achieved
The alliance is led by three very diverse high achieving schools, each with a shared passion and vision for the alliance: Longford Park School, Seymour Park Community School and Tyntesfield Primary School.
Trinity Teaching School Alliance

The Maltings College
Lancashire & West Yorkshire
The Trinity Teaching School Alliance is a partnership of primary and secondary schools working together collaboratively to support a culture of self-improvement across Yorkshire and the Humber. The designated teaching school is Trinity Academy Halifax, an Ofsted outstanding provider.
We are committed to delivering a high quality, research driven portfolio of CPLD programmes which are constantly refreshed and expanded to meet the changing needs of teachers and schools.
Our training and development programmes are:
- shaped by teachers and leaders for teachers and leaders
- written and delivered by system leaders who work in classrooms and schools
- founded on robust, evidence-based research
- affordably priced, with discounts available for multiple bookings.
“The best CPD I have undertaken in 13 years of teaching.”
"We used lots of practical and visual demonstrations to explain difficult concepts some of which were topics that I had not been able to understand fully as a student."
“The team at Trinity help develop the skills and confidence you need to become an outstanding teacher!”
“Very informative, great to have chance to rework and share what is going on at other schools. Great delivery”
“Excellent course delivered by an excellent practitioner who is clearly passionate about helping other educators”
“Interactive and easy to digest, but will have a big impact on the curriculum leaders in school.”
Unity Schools Partnership

Wells Hall Road
Making remarkable change happen
Unity Schools Partnership transforms lives.
Through geographical hubs of like-minded schools and a vision of excellence that is shared by all, schools smash through barriers to achieve more than others think possible.
- Achieve the highest standards of education
- Recognised for exceptional quality
- Interdependent schools with a shared ambition to transform lives
- High quality and evidence-informed model to achieve excellence
- Community-focused geographically close school hubs
- Ethical
- Leadership
- Inclusion
- Endless Ambition
- Strong Relationships
- Belief in Success for All
Uttoxeter Learning Trust Teaching School

Thomas Alleyne's High School
Uttoxeter Learning Trust Teaching School was awarded National Teaching School status in June 2018. We are delighted to serve schools and colleagues across the region.

20 Emmerson Building
Veema Education delivers personalised training and School Improvement packages to schools in the UK and internationally. We help schools to achieve their goals by delivering impactful in-school training to staff and students alike.
We understand the challenges facing schools and passionately believe in promoting personal, academic and professional growth through evidence-based CPD. Using best practice pedagogical approaches, our bespoke development packages provide sufficient time for new knowledge, skills and reflection to be put into practice.
Victoria Academies Trust

Victoria Park Primary Academy
West Midlands
Victoria Academies is an established multi-academy trust created in January 2014. It began as a single academy and is named after the founder school, Victoria Park in Smethwick.
It became the first primary school in the local authority (Sandwell) to convert to an academy in April 2012. Almost two years later it became the lead school and sponsor within Victoria Academies Trust.
Victorious Academies Trust

Inspire Academy
Victorious Academies Trust was established in January 2018. We are based in Tameside and working towards developing a hub of excellence to support local schools.
We have a vision for education that builds pathways for all, focusing on personal progress, academic progress, character development and progress to employment. Lifelong learning, professional development and community involvement are core to our purpose. We aim to remove barriers to achievement and to inspire individuals by setting their learning in the context of their future aspirations. We currently have three primary academies in our Trust.
Wade Deacon Trust

Birchfield Road
Wade Deacon Trust comprises of eight academies and a Teaching School working as equal partners, who strive for excellence in all we do for the benefit of our pupils.
With a range of exciting opportunities for aspiring teachers and educational leaders, the Wade Deacon Trust provides the very best support and training to assist you in achieving your goals.
We are passionate about providing tailored support from the NQT journey to all levels of educational leadership.
We offer a wide range of services from collaborative working through to training and support for school improvement and governance with the three key priorities focusing on:
• Initial Teacher Training
• Continuing Professional & Leadership Development
• School-to-School Support
Our Vision
Through collaboration, the vision of the Trust is that all schools in our area of influence are at least ‘Good’ and that every member of the learning community is inspired to achieve their potential.
We believe in:
- Raising aspirations of all
- A commitment to quality
- Celebrating diversity and values
- Trust and confidentiality
- Openness and sharing
- Creativity and innovation
- Sustainability and value for money
Walsall Children's Workforce
Warrington Leadership Hub
TCAT Professional Development Centre, Bridgewater High School, Broomfields Rd

Warrington Leadership Hub (the three Teaching Schools in Warrington) work with Outstanding Leaders Partnership to deliver the NPQML, NPQSL and NPQH qualifications under the Best Practice Network licence. We welcome applications from local schools and we source experienced facilitators from the area to ensure relevant examples of best practice are shown. The development of local leaders is crucial to the ongoing improvement of our school offer to children in Warrington and we continue to encourage more colleagues to apply every year.
Also, look out for the fully funded scholarships opportunities as these extend limited school training budgets to further career pathways!
Our collaborative approach ensures local schools are provided with timely information and enables local leaders to access the right support and career development.
For more information your local contacts are:
Andy Day, Great Sankey Teaching School Alliance – Andrew.day@greatsankey.org
Bernard Clarke, Warrington Teaching School Alliance – bclarke@wpat.uk
Tim Long, TCAT Professional Development Centre – T.Long@bridgewaterhigh.com
Warrington TSA

Evelyn Street Community Primary School
Warrington Teaching School Alliance (WTSA) formed in 2014/15 and specialises in supporting Primary and Early Years settings. Led by a strategic group of schools, and supported by a larger group of alliance Associate Members, WTSA works across the North West of England to drive school improvement forward.
Our key aims as a Teaching School are to:
- Train the next generation of outstanding teachers through the ongoing development of high-quality initial teacher training via our School Direct Programme.
- Develop opportunities for Continuing Professional and Leadership Development.
- Provide support for other schools, using strategies of school-led school improvement
Weatherhead Teaching School Alliance

Weatherhead High School
Weatherhead Teaching School is a very successful and established organisation, that is also part of the Peninsula MAT. NPQ courses have been run from the Teaching School for a number of years. The Teaching School specialises in the provision of Leadership
Support. The Director of the Teaching School is an NLE.
West Cumbria Teaching School Alliance

Keswick School
West Cumbria Teaching School Alliance is a unique Teaching School Alliance with a remit that covers all ages and phases, from age 4 to 19, including a Special School – we are, therefore, in a very strong position to be able to work with all education providers in a wide area.
As a Teaching School Alliance we are committed to:
- Engaging in an innovative and collaborative approach to develop outstanding future educators and leaders
- Having a shared responsibility for the outcome of all learners
- Succession planning that systematically manages the talent within the Alliance to bring through the next generation of Head teachers, Senior and Middle Leaders for all schools
- Identifying strengths in the current Alliance and developing and sharing best practice
- Having a shared moral purpose to work together to improve teaching and learning
- Engaging in research and development that underpins all aspects of the Alliance work.
West Hertfordshire Teaching Schools Partnership

Bovingdon Academy
Hemel Hempstead
The West Hertfordshire Teaching Schools Partnership is proud to have been one of the first Teaching Schools to be designated in 2011. It was formed from a partnership between Bovingdon Primary Academy and Hammond Academy.
These schools, in collaboration with the Grove Academy, are now part of a MAT, the Aspire Academies Trust, which forms the hub of West Herts Teaching School. They currently have over 70 Hertfordshire schools in the Alliance. Being part of their Alliance gives schools the opportunity to access high quality CPD and to influence and consistently improve educational outcomes for young people. From training the next generation of outstanding teachers to coaching trainee heads on the NPQH qualification, alliance members can access input for their specific school needs and work collaboratively with others to help raise standards in their own school and benefit of their community.
Wickford Teaching School Alliance

Wickford Teaching School Alliance has partners within Wickford & also Kings Lynn.
We are based in Hearts MAT and our Lead School is Wickford Church of England School. WTSA provides CPD, school-to-school support and training to local teachers.