Specialist NPQs
Specialist National Professional Qualifications (NPQs)
The Specialist National Professional Qualifications have been created to allow teachers to focus on the knowledge and skills which expand their role or interests within their school. Separating these areas of professional development into individual NPQs allows for the required depth in order to understand, apply and examine these areas of teaching to be achieved.
Each programme addresses themes relevant to every aspiring school leader of developing excellent culture, implement change and how to develop and bring colleagues along with you through professional development. These themes are put in combination with the specialist area to create a programme which has the clear end goal of improving pupil outcomes.
Specialist NPQs

Scholarships and funding
Full NPQ scholarships covering the entire cost of the qualification, are available for all colleagues working in state-funded schools, across all phases. As well as state-funded schools, all state-funded organisations that offer 16 to 19 places in England are eligible for full NPQ scholarships.
There is no limit to how many scholarships a single school can receive but please bear in mind that NPQ participants will attend face-to-face events during term time as part of the course. Online-only NPQ delivery is available to candidates on request.
Scholarships have been confirmed for the Autumn NPQ intake as part of the government’s long-term education recovery plan. SPRING?
From autumn 2022, organisations eligible to access scholarships include:
- state-funded schools
- state-funded 16 to 19 organisations
- independent special schools
- virtual schools (local authority run organisations that support the education of children in care)
- hospital schools not already included in other categories of eligible organisations
- young offender institutions
Local authority employed supply teachers will also be able to access scholarships.
Contact us for more information.
Specialist National Professional Qualifications (NPQs)
The National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) are a suite of DfE accredited qualifications for school leaders, designed to support professional development - helping school leaders and teachers become more effective.
All of the qualifications are based on NPQ Frameworks which draw from the very latest evidence and research and complete the golden thread, running from initial teacher training through to school leadership, rooting teacher and school leader development in the best available evidence and collective wisdom of the profession.
Specialist NPQs

Full NPQ scholarships, covering the entire cost of the qualification, are available for all colleagues working in state-funded schools, across all phases. As well as state-funded schools, all state-funded organisations that offer 16 to 19 places in England are eligible for full NPQ scholarships.
There is no limit to how many scholarships a single school can receive but please bear in mind that NPQ participants will attend face-to-face events during term time as part of the course. Online-only NPQ delivery is available to candidates on request.
Scholarships have been confirmed for the Autumn NPQ intake as part of the government’s long-term education recovery plan.
From autumn 2022, organisations eligible to access scholarships include:
- state-funded schools
- state-funded 16 to 19 organisations
- independent special schools
- virtual schools (local authority run organisations that support the education of children in care)
- hospital schools not already included in other categories of eligible organisations
- young offender institutions
Local authority employed supply teachers will also be able to access scholarships.
Contact us for more information.Why Choose OLP?
Outstanding Leaders Partnership is a national, school-led partnership with 10 years experience of providing relevant, focused high-quality professional development across the education sector.
By choosing OLP schools can be confident that the programmes their staff will follow are founded upon the following four pillars.
1. Our programmes are evidence-based
The content of our programmes is based upon the latest research into effective teaching and leadership strategies.
The processes underpinning our programme design encourage participants to rigorously explore and test these research findings in their own contexts.
2. Our programmes focus on implementation
We know that providing teachers and leaders with evidence of effective strategies for improving outcomes for children and young people is essential, but alone this is not sufficient if planned changes are to become
deep-rooted and sustained. Leaders also need to understand the complexities involved when implementing change. Our programmes provide high-quality guidance on the tools and techniques available
3. Our programmes measure impact
We constantly challenge our participants, and ourselves, to ask ‘what difference is this making to children in your school’? This is a theme visited at regular intervals during our programmes and culminates in an individual end of programme impact review.
We know our programmes do make a difference as evidenced through our Annual Reviews and a DfE Review which commended OLP’s ‘exceptional performance’ against most areas of their Quality Framework.
4. Our programmes are part of the Golden Thread

By consistently choosing OLP schools can be confident that their staff are developing shared understandings and a common professional language which will support, enrich, and enhance their school improvement strategies.

Specialist NPQs

National Professional Qualification: Leading Teaching
For teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading teaching in a subject, year group, key stage or phase.
Autumn & Spring
12 months
Delivery Model
DfE Accreddited
# face-to-face days
# online Learning hours
Personal Online Tutor
6 hours
Total learning hours
Case study scenario
National Professional Qualification: Leading Behaviour & Culture
For teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading behaviour and/or supporting pupil wellbeing in their school.
Autumn & Spring
12 months
Delivery Model
DfE Accreddited
# face-to-face days
# online Learning hours
Personal Online Tutor
6 hours
Total learning hours
Case study scenario
National Professional Qualification: Leading Teacher Development
For teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading the development of other teachers in their school.
Autumn & Spring
12 months
Delivery Model
DfE Accreddited
# face-to-face days
# online Learning hours
Personal Online Tutor
6 hours
total learning hours
Case study scenario
Leadership NPQs
National Professional Qualification:
Senior Leadership
For those who are, or aspire to be, senior leaders leading across a school
Autumn & Spring
18 months
Delivery Model
Face-to-face or online-only
DfE Accreddited
# face-to-face days
# online LEARNING hours
Personal Online Tutor
performance Coaching
10 hours
Total learning hours
Case study scenario
National Professional Qualification:
For those who are, or aspire to be, headteachers leading across a whole school
Autumn & Spring
18 months
Delivery Model
Face-to-face or online-only
DfE Accreddited
# face-to-face days
# online LEARNING hours
Personal Online Tutor
performance Coaching
10 hours
total learning hours
Case study scenario
National Professional Qualification:
Executive Leadership
For those who are, or aspire to be, executive leaders with responsibility across more than one school
Autumn & Spring
18 months
Delivery Model
Face-to-face or online-only
DfE Accreddited
# face-to-face days
6 (including 1 x 2 day event)
# online LEARNING hours
Personal Online Tutor
performance Coaching
10 hours
total learning hours
Case study scenario
NPQ + Apprenticeship
Stand out from the crowd and complete NPQH or NPQEL whilst at the same time working towards either the Level 5 Manager Standard or Level 7 Revised Senior Leader standard.
These programmes are funded by the Apprenticeship Levy or government co-investment and come with a whole raft of extra support, resources and content compared with completing a standalone NPQ.
Participants receive added support in the form of monthly meetings with a dedicated Apprenticeship Tutor. Our Apprenticeship Tutors are themselves experienced school leaders and headteachers and are able to offer invaluable assistance and advice for the duration of the programme.
Give the team a call on 0117 920 9428 to find out more.