DfE Quality Assurance Review
Praise for Oustanding Leaders Partnership (OLP) from the DfE Quality Review
The recent performance review rated OLP as ‘exceptional’ overall
The review was carried out by government-appointed quality assurance agents Tribal Group and based on the DfE National Professional Qualification (NPQ) Quality Framework. They visited face-to-face provision, reviewed extensive evidence, and interviewed candidates, partners and team members.
The reviewers examined leadership and governance, face-to-face delivery, online courses, candidate, facilitator and tutor support, assessment, organisation, quality control, marketing and recruitment, as well as the DfE metrics and impact.
The reviewers identified exceptional performance in most areas of the Quality Framework and highlighted strengths including:
- The leadership team is clear about its vision and values. Commitment to school improvement and outcomes for children and young people is evident throughout the organisation.
- OLP demonstrates a passion and commitment to providing the best school leaders for the future, including through constant scanning of educational horizons, policies and needs.
- There are strong systems and structures at every level, with clear terms of reference and governance by the effective programmes board. Financial and risk management are strong.
- Moral purpose and collective responsibility contribute to an impact on school improvement. OLP promotes a collaborative model which increases capacity, particularly by ensuring greater access to lead practitioners.
- The highly effective blending of online study and face-to-face sessions lies at the heart of OLP’s successful provision.
- Continuous quality improvement (CQI) is rigorous and, with the effective evaluation systems, ensures quality across the partnership.
- The success of OLP’s engagement strategy is evident in its high-profile national presence. Take up is strong, with effective marketing, events and web teams supporting partners.
- Assessment is strong, clear and accurate, with 100% of outcomes validated by DfE moderation, excellent assessor training, high submission rates and useful insights.
- Support for participants exceeds expectations. The Operations Team respond quickly to any request for help. Processes are extremely effective, with the new Candidate Client Management System bringing further improvements.
- OLP is increasing its international provision, and responding well to the needs of distance-learners.
The DfE QA review took place in May 2019, with preparation led by Yvonne Gandy, NPQ Programmes Director
Development areas include increasing NPQEL take up, developing the role of the school partnership board and creating a single strategic development plan.
In summary, they found our strong provision stems from a collaboration between numerous school partners and Best Practice Network, enabling OLP to utilise the wide range of knowledge and expertise of current practitioners effectively across the system.