Severn Teaching School Alliance

Severn Teaching School Alliance

Severn Teaching School Alliance

Partner Code: SVRN-TSA     Telford

The Severn Teaching School Alliance is based in Telford, Shropshire. The Alliance includes over 50 schools, the University of Chester, and a team of school improvement specialists.

Two of the schools within the Alliance are National Support Schools (NSS): The Bridge School (Lead School) and Apley Wood Primary School. The Head Teachers at these schools are also National Leaders of Education (NLE).

Their offer includes Leadership & Management Support, CPD, School to School Support, Primary Initial Teacher Training (School Direct) and opportunities to work on Research and Development Projects.

The Severn Teaching School Alliance consists of primary, special and secondary schools within Telford & Wrekin, and they also work closely with the Local Authority.

Venue locations and course dates

Venue locations are yet to be finalised. Please call 0117 920 9200 if you have any questions regarding venues

Course dates are yet to be finalised. Please call 0117 920 9200 if you have any questions regarding course dates