School Improvement Library
Archive of Legacy NPQ School Improvement Projects
The National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) were reformed in 2021. The reforms saw changes to the NPQ assessment criteria so that NPQ participants no longer had to complete a School Improvement Project.
School Improvement Projects saw participants lead real and sustainable change in their schools and we have decided to leave an archive of some of the most impactful projects available online. We hope they can be used to inspire change at your school and thank the NPQ participants involved in the projects for allowing us to share them.
We invite colleagues to view a range of archive School Improvement Projects online.

Improving Childcare Provision in the Falkland Islands
February 04 2020
To increase the proportion of children entering FS1 demonstrating knowledge skills and abilities that reflect their age-related expectations in order to positively impact on the school’s target from the school improvement plan (SIP) ‘to raise and maintain good levels of progress and attainment in all early learning goals’.
NPQML | International | EYFS